
Unleash Indy 500 cars

Great [July 9 Styring column] on the Speedway. I hope those in control of that magnificent and historic venue take those thoughts to mind. He who builds the fastest car wins. Let them build the fastest car.

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Kennedy misunderstands Sharia law

Sheila Suess Kennedy’s July 16 op-ed “This time, Sharia law misunderstood” contains numerous misconceptions and errors about the legislation she purports to address, American Laws for American Courts (ALAC). Space permits me to address only three.

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Kennedy wrong on Sharia

Sheila Kennedy [July 16] discusses the Islam of her imagination, the Islam of every progressive’s dreams, Islam without several of its crucial features and articles of belief—holy war, martyrdom and the treatment of non-believers.

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‘Pocket guide’ was spin

Rather than a pocket guide to the Supreme Court ruling (it did accomplish that, sort of) [Rusthoven, July 9], this is a pocket guide to the laboriously crafted Republican response to the Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act.

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HICKS: Short-term fixes unlikely to ease downturn

Almost all the economic forecasts that appear monthly or quarterly have been revised downward, some for the third time. And the smallest tidbit of good news dominates the news cycles without moving financial markets

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BASILE: Glad to say goodbye to Kaliningrad

Two Russian policemen approached me and asked to see my “papers.” After a cursory look, they escorted me into a small cinder block “interrogation” room, which could barely contain the three of us and my backpack.

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Domestic partner benefits unwise use of tax dollars

After listening to the testimony during the June 5 City-County Council committee meeting, and speaking with both supporters and opponents of the proposed domestic partner benefits, I noticed a common theme of “this will make Indianapolis more competitive.” This is untrue.

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MAURER: Jim Rogers is rarely outmaneuvered

“My grand pappy was a chess grand master,” Jim Rogers declared as we sat down to a game back in the early 1990s. Jim was a pal. When he and his wife, M.A., lived in Carmel, we vacationed together and enjoyed running and biking on the weekends. He was a competitor. He liked to win.

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