
Cross leaves legacy

On behalf of the Fairbanks Hospital board of directors, I want to commend IBJ for its July 9 article about Helene Cross and her remarkable leadership as president and CEO of Fairbanks.

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Unleash Indy 500 cars

Great [July 9 Styring column] on the Speedway. I hope those in control of that magnificent and historic venue take those thoughts to mind. He who builds the fastest car wins. Let them build the fastest car.

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Kennedy misunderstands Sharia law

Sheila Suess Kennedy’s July 16 op-ed “This time, Sharia law misunderstood” contains numerous misconceptions and errors about the legislation she purports to address, American Laws for American Courts (ALAC). Space permits me to address only three.

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Kennedy wrong on Sharia

Sheila Kennedy [July 16] discusses the Islam of her imagination, the Islam of every progressive’s dreams, Islam without several of its crucial features and articles of belief—holy war, martyrdom and the treatment of non-believers.

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‘Pocket guide’ was spin

Rather than a pocket guide to the Supreme Court ruling (it did accomplish that, sort of) [Rusthoven, July 9], this is a pocket guide to the laboriously crafted Republican response to the Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act.

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