
What ‘war on women?’

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when reading Sheila Suess Kennedy’s [April 9] screed about the Republican “war on women.”

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Rusthoven too partisan

I find it condescending, crude and highly political that Peter Rusthoven [April 16] must insist on repeatedly referring to the Affordable Care Act as Obamacare.

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Greencastle portrayal false

Jake Bonifield’s [April 16] Forefront column is so factually deficient that our organization feels that a response is necessary.

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Better results from vouchers

Morton Marcus [April 16 Forefront] takes a cautious approach in order to create some controversy and energy in the voucher discussion.

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Charter ‘ideas’ already exist

Before every reform-minded educator becomes mesmerized with the words “charter school,” perhaps it might be wise to see and value what one already has in place.

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Republican budget hits hard

For the past few years, Republicans in Congress have argued that our federal government needs to budget more like families across America. This is exactly right, but the Republican budget passed in late March fails to pass this test.

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Business can train workers

The [April 2] article “Manufacturers prowling for skilled workers” highlighting the lack of trained workers for advanced manufacturing jobs underscores a critical need in Indiana—and throughout the nation.

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Design column takes lead

I was thrilled when [it was] first announced that the IBJ had finally taken the local lead in providing such in-depth opinion of the single most important part of the economic and physical development of the community.

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New environmental board will need more expertise

Those who are concerned about public health and environmental protection should be disturbed by the elimination of the Air Pollution Control Board, the Water Pollution Control Board, and the Solid Waste Management Board and replacing them with a single Environmental Rules Board.

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KENNEDY: Trust continues to dwindle

We can’t rebuild social trust by wishing it back. We need a national “house cleaning” to ensure that our institutions are trustworthy, democratic and ethical.

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