
Excess not-for-profits

Our hearts are big and our intentions are good, but few organizations have the capacity to run our programs with best practice outcomes.

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Chu tells half-truth

I have grown tired of the half-truths sold to the public regarding how much of every taxpayer dollar goes into classrooms [Chu column, March 5 Forefront].

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Wrong about vaccines

IBJ readers may be terribly misled by Anita Y. Woudenberg’s [March 5 Forefront] remarks about vaccines.

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KLACIK: Now for a new round of big thinking

If we go about directing the energy and confidence gained during our super moment into an effort downsized by fear of failure, and constrained by limited resources, hampered by political partisanship, and burdened by intra-regional rivalries, and what-is-in-it-for-me agendas, then we will not fully realize the potential of this super moment.

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FEIGENBAUM: Lawmakers did much more than pass right to work

While some editorial writers suggest legislators accomplished little of consequence this session, and House Democrats lament lost opportunities to restore education funding and fix child services programs, we actually experienced a remarkably productive final four weeks.

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