
EDITORIAL: Time again for Indy ingenuity

The close of a landmark event like the Super Bowl coupled with the pressing need to update Indiana Sports Corp.’s long-range plan offers the organization a prime opportunity to rethink the city’s sports strategy.

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Lost donor created new thinking

I really appreciated Kathleen McLaughlin’s [Feb. 6] article on the donor who made large financial commitments to multiple not-for-profits but is not expected to fulfill them.

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KENNEDY: The realities of monsters under the bed

As one of my sons observed a few weeks back, when we were scratching our heads over an especially egregious bit of political buffoonery, very scared people desperately crave certainty in a world that has none.

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Risk for Manning

If the medical reports are correct as printed, and I assume they are, it would be hazardous [for Peyton Manning] to perform as quarterback.

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