
Right-to-work view was appalling

It is stunning to read the editorial position [Nov. 28] of the foremost business journal in Indiana that cautions against “right-to-work” legislation. Perhaps the writer forgets that Indiana has a 9-percent unemployment rate.

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Smoking column hit the target

Thanks so much for Mickey Maurer’s Nov. 28 “Mayor, Read the Smoke Signals” column. I still cannot believe that Indianapolis and indeed, the entire state can be so backward related to creating a smoke-free environment.

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Patent reform helps small firms

Kristin Jones’ Nov. 26 column, “Patent reform is mixed bag for life sciences,” offered views on the impact of the new patent law, the America Invents Act, on large and small life sciences companies in Indiana.

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IYER: A manufacturing resurgence? Maybe

As the United States—and Indiana—looks to manufacturing as a way out of recession, they will be well-served by a move toward more energy-efficient, earth-friendly, competitive manufacturing processes.

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MORRIS: Discover great voices you might not have heard

Have you taken in a performance by the Indianapolis Children’s Choir recently? If the answer is yes, you know why I’m enthused. If no, then I hope you’ll take a few minutes to read further. My goal is to encourage you to discover this gem of our arts community for yourself.

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