
Rusthoven adds to political cynicism

I was surprised to read Peter Rusthoven’s incendiary [Oct. 31] column accusing Melina Kennedy of making borderline “criminal accusations” against Mayor Ballard.

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FRAZIER: Sacred cows? They may not be worth it

Every organization has them. The employees who are deemed sacred cows by the work force and, like the banks deemed “too big to fail,” are considered by those in leadership “too [fill in the blank] to go.”

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MORRIS: Are you paying attention to election season?

The problem with the Indianapolis mayoral campaign and most others is, by the time the election gets here, after all the negative commercials and nasty exchanges, we are so disgusted with the whole process, we don’t care who wins.

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EDITORIAL: Learn right lessons from Litebox gaffe

Gov. Mitch Daniels has been derided in recent days for standing next to California businessman Bob Yanagihara and declaring, “We like visionaries, we love inventors, we love entrepreneurs. You are all those things.”

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Kudos for this year’s Corporate Challenge

Hats off to Indiana Sports Corp. for executing the 2011 Corporate Challenge. This community event brings together Indiana businesses for two days of friendly competition aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and office camaraderie.

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Another window for smoke-free air

We’re just days away from the next mayoral election in Indianapolis, and if the stumping at a recent debate holds true, supporters of smoke-free air may have reason to celebrate sooner rather than later.

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Why women matter

The Mayor’s Office in Indianapolis is not in step with women. Out of 17 top positions, the administration has only one appointment that is a woman.

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