
Team building takes time

I found Sam Stall’s Oct. 3 article misleading. “Team-building exercises remain popular, but do they work?” failed to make the critical distinction between building a high-performing team and facilitating a single team-building activity. When properly designed, a team-building activity allows participants to experience one aspect of team dynamics that will benefit that specific group. On […]

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The euro’s problems ripple to Indiana

A crack in a support beam of a bridge can jeopardize the entire structure, as people in the Louisville area can attest to. The same principle applies to currency regimes. The crack in the euro system threatens the Eurozone economy and the financial bridges that link global markets, including those in Indiana. The euro was […]

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Admiring the substantive candidate

This year’s Indianapolis mayoral election presents a sharp contrast between a “good candidate” (attorney Melina Kennedy) and a good mayor (ex-Marine Greg Ballard). Ballard’s 2007 election was a surprise to all but him. He has proven quite effective—a friendly, no-nonsense leader who enjoys the work and responsibilities but can do without the glitz. Ballard’s accomplishments […]

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Tea Partiers misread

Ann DeLaney [letters, Sept. 26] cites a study by university professors to justify her position and that of U.S. Rep. Andre Carson that the Tea Party is “racist.”

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Obama’s economy is working pretty well

Honestly, I tire of millionaires [Oct. 3 Rusthoven Viewpoint] telling the rest of us how we should appreciate the tax breaks and low rates they pay and how this will benefit society, economy, jobs, etc.

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