
EDITORIAL: NBA lockout fuels old debate

The billions of dollars in public money spent subsidizing franchises across the country don’t buy mayors or governors a seat at the bargaining table when players and team owners wage war.

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We’re rebalancing, not losing our way

In response to “Congress let us down across the board” [Doran Moreland column in the Aug. 22 Forefront], has the author considered that the sharp divide in Congress might have something to do with the trillions of dollars at stake?

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Health law hitting insurance agents

Not only are these “minimum medical loss ratios” destabilizing state insurance markets, thus leaving consumers with fewer choices, but they’re also putting insurance agents out of business.

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Burton applauded

As lawmakers mull whether the mortgage interest deduction should be on the chopping block to rein in the growing federal deficit or change the federal tax code, U.S. Rep. Dan Burton should be commended.

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