
TAFT: Why mass transit should be a GOP issue

History actually shows that Republicans have been the authors of the largest publicly funded transportation projects in U.S. history because they believed infrastructure investment was an important way government could be a catalyst for economic development.

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Tea Partiers blamed for doing right thing

I would suggest that letter writer Terry L. Monday (re: “Young’s debt vote cost Hoosiers dearly”) do a little more brushing up before slinging arrows at congressman Young or the Tea Party.

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LOU’S VIEWS: The best games from GenCon

For years, I’ve been telling Hoosiers that GenCon isn’t just for hard-core game geeks committed to multi-hour games of World of Warcraft or Dungeons and Dragons. For every elf-costumed, sword-wielding aficionado, there’s also someone who just likes to play games socially with friends.

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