
EDITORIAL: Economy is weak, but this is no 2008

When the stock market plummeted on Aug. 8 and did so again two days later, many of us found ourselves having flashbacks to 2008, when every bleak day in the market seemed to be followed by another and then another.

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Don’t overlook the rowing center

While we at the Indianapolis Rowing Center applaud Bill Benner’s [July 23 column] call for attention to the crumbling infrastructure of our city’s amateur sports facilities, we’d like to add one bright spot—the rowing center.

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Pence would shred social safety net

Pence Haven’t we heard this song before? Congressman Mike Pence, who is running for governor, has proposed that the way to job growth is to reduce Indiana’s already anemic receipts from corporate taxes. Pence has an almost abiding, religious faith and hope in the willingness of Wall Street to create jobs and opportunity. To paraphrase […]

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Hicks calculations wouldn’t pan out

In his [July 30] commentary, Michael Hicks suggests that the $1.6 trillion of U.S. Treasury Securities held by the Federal Reserve be wiped out (since they are debts the U.S. owes itself) and thus eliminate 11 percent of our total national debt.

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Young’s debt vote cost Hoosiers dearly

In his [Aug. 8 op-ed], U.S. Rep. Todd Young spins his recent irresponsible actions in delaying the increase in the debt limit as “a meaningful and responsible first step on the path back to economic health.”

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We’re all hurt by diminished media

That’s the real tragedy of these Gannett layoffs, the stooping to infotainment and the dumbing down of not just a new generation of Woodwards and Bernsteins (if they even know who that is), and the slow death of the entire Fourth Estate.

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Hit greedy Colts in the pocketbook

Since this is ultimately about money, simple solutions exist and the simplest of all is to not buy Colts tickets—and if you want to cross over to radical you can boycott Colts commercial sponsor products.

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Another TIF test

Every proposed development that approaches a municipality expects a TIF district and tax abatements. They point out that every other municipality they approach is willing to give this to them. If you refuse, they go elsewhere.

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Myers is local jewel

We are fortunate to have Myers return to Indianapolis. He has vast experience in the delivery of health care and how it impacts our community.

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