
FARGO: There’s a place for secrecy in government

There are slippery slopes, camels’ noses under tents, etc., that we fear will become too common if we budge on our opposition to secrecy. But secretly (oops), we also know that government has to keep some things quiet to keep us safe.

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FERGUSON: States’-rights crowd hurts small people

The debate over Medicaid funding and Planned Parenthood is about the access of poor people to health care. And about the right of the state of Indiana to assert the power to say where poor people can receive such health care services.

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Selling off the future

Great [Morton] Marcus column in the July 4 issue of the IBJ. What’s happening in this state is extremely unfortunate and shortsighted.

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Baseball column was on the mark

Bill Benner’s [July 4] column “A love lost … ” was great—absolutely the way I remember it, plus the scoring of a double-header on the radio, knowing every batting average, home runs and RBI’s of the all-time greats.

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MORRIS: In search of a moderate Republican

I know it’s still early, but I’ve got presidential politics on my mind. Why? Because the economy continues to be stuck in the mud and it takes strong leadership at the top to get things moving again.

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EDITORIAL: Courts should repel school voucher suit

The lawsuit filed this month to block the state’s new school voucher law should be turned back on a lobby that has fought education reform at every turn and rarely offered solutions to underperforming schools other than demanding more money and time.

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