
Hudnut merits honor

I wish to give a resounding “second” to Louis Mahern’s “Call to properly honor civic giant Hudnut” in [Forefront, June 27].

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Lugar responds

A [June 27] letter to the editor entitled “Lugar column sparks policy questions” asks for some examples of actions that have generated my claims of regulatory overreach at the Environmental Protection Administration.

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MAURER: Snooky Hendricks is an urban legend

While visiting the Indiana Historical Society’s “You Are There 1968: Robert Kennedy Speaks” exhibit, I learned that in attendance on the evening more than 40 years ago were Hoosiers who went on to remarkable careers.

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LOU’S VIEWS: Conner Prairie’s best raid plans

If you asked me a week ago what I knew about Indiana’s direct involvement in the Civil War, you would have been met with a blank stare. Then I was part of the regiment that helped kick the raiding party out of Indiana as part of the new “1863 Civil War Journey: Raid on Indiana” interactive exhibit at Conner Prairie.

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KENNEDY: A regulatory no-brainer could save lives

Cell phone users in the United States can’t choose to have radio on our phones because, when the ability to download first threatened the music industry’s business model, the carriers thought including broadcast radio would undermine their ability to sell music packages.

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MARCUS: Should we be offended by Times story?

Last month, The New York Times ran a story under the headline “Indiana: The Exception? Yes, but …” The story gave a factual presentation of our state’s economic circumstances, but with an overriding sarcasm that left a bad taste in Hoosier mouths.

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