
Indianapolis libraries need funding

On a recent visit to my local library, I couldn’t help but notice the buzz of activity—a mother reading to her toddler, children and adults taking advantage of computer and Internet access, a middle-aged gentleman working with spread sheets on his laptop, and a line of people at the main desk waiting to check out items.

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Maurer takes unfair political shots

Mickey Maurer’s May 31 commentary was a nice tribute to Gov. [Mitch] Daniels and was a somewhat humorous and tongue-in-cheek piece, that is, until he decided to take some cheap shots.

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KENNEDY: We need to get our civics game on

Right now, Americans are deeply involved in one of our periodic debates about government spending and the budget deficit. Important as that is, I am more concerned about our civic deficit—the widespread lack of basic constitutional literacy.

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EDITORIAL: TIF-district plan deserves support

The tax districts allow the city to capture new property tax payments within specific boundaries and apply those funds to infrastructure upgrades and other incentives designed to lure private investment.

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Multiple tenants likely needed to plug Nordstrom hole

Nordstrom occupies a staggering 210,000 square feet spread across three floors—60 percent more space than the Seattle-based chain occupies at the Fashion Mall at Keystone and likely more than any single retailer would be willing to lease.

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HICKS: Recession took its toll on under-educated

The hard truth is that all the jobs lost in the economy that will return already have. So what will become of those who lost jobs to the recession for which none await them now? The prognosis is none too optimistic.

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EDITORIAL: Nordstrom loss not death knell for downtown

The news that Nordstrom Inc. will close its Circle Centre mall store July 31 is proof that the suburbs still rule where retail is concerned, but it shouldn’t signal a repeat of the gradual decline downtown suffered when merchants began leaving the city’s core in the 1950s.

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Swipe-fee reforms will ensure prosperity

Merchants in the Hoosier state have experienced an inordinately swift and severe rise in swipe fees, a charge that card-issuing banks levy against retailers every time a customer uses a debit card to make a purchase.

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