
EDITORIAL: Have faith in fantasy despite real-life woes

Some days, it’s hard to believe in Santa Claus. It’s altogether too easy to be “affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age,” as the New York Sun’s Francis Pharcellus Church wrote in his famous response to an 8-year-old girl’s inquiry about the existence of the Jolly Old Elf.

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Praise for tips from Maurer

I enjoyed [Mickey Maurer’s Dec. 13] closing commentary on “The Ten Essential Principles of Entrepreneurship You Didn’t Learn in School,” along with the previous nine.

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Thanks for support of airport facility

We believe the positive turnaround of the Indianapolis Maintenance Center has been a quiet but substantial success—not just for the airport authority but for the greater Indianapolis community.

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MAURER: A final lesson for entrepreneurs

To create a disciplined investment philosophy, I evolved from my experience “The Ten Essential Principles of Entrepreneurship You Didn’t Learn in School.” Over the course of 10 columns, I have featured each of these essential principles. This is the final installment.

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DOWD: Bush, Cheney, the way they were

Together again were the president and vice president who invaded, deregulated, overspent, created a climate of fear, and intensified the class divide with tax cuts.

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