
LOU’S VIEWS: Art-felt thanks

The ISO opened with "A Thanksgiving Overture" — which inspired me to offer my thoughts on what I'm thankful for in the world of Indianapolis arts.

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ALTOM: Why the maddening duplication of doctor forms?

In every successive medical office—every single one—we have to fill out the very same data, over and over and over again. Name. Occupation. Medical history. Insurance. They always tell us on a first visit to arrive at least 15 minutes early so we can fill out all this stuff. It’s infuriating to me.

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Lynch is history

[IU football Coach Bill Lynch] is a good man and we’ve all wished for his success, but the Wisconsin game has pretty much put an end to his tenure.

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Caution can take over

I understand and agree [with Mickey Maurer’s Nov. 1 column] that pace, discipline and focus all are important for any entrepreneur to employ when they are managing their enterprise. However, you have not discussed what I believe is the “real” issue.

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MORRIS: Dressing for success matters

I’ve been saying for longer than I can remember that I can’t believe how people dress these days. Far too many times, I’ll attend an event and notice folks who are dressed like they were getting ready to clean their garage or cut the grass instead of enjoying a night out.

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EDITORIAL: A call to stop the debt spiral

President Obama’s fiscal commission is doing its job by recommending tough taxing and expense-slashing measures meant to attack our nation’s debt crisis. Indiana’s congressional delegation should keep the momentum going.

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EDITORIAL: Legislators should let public decide on transit plan

A more robust public transportation system might be just what the region needs to connect people with jobs, spark development near transit stops, elevate the city’s stature, and reduce the need to regularly pour millions into widening our roads. Or it might be a big, unnecessary waste of money.

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What happened to Di Rimini architect?

Where was the architect when the developer made 35 departures from the approved plans? Where was the architect when the city cited the developer for multiple code violations?

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