
City takes safety seriously

One of my first priorities as mayor was returning the police department to the mayor’s office. I did this because I believe protecting our neighborhoods, our businesses and our families to be the highest responsibility I bear as mayor.

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SLAUGHTER: Don’t fall victim to ‘imposter syndrome’

We might think entrepreneurs, managers and highly paid professionals would be awash in self-confidence. Yet in a 1978 paper, Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes of Georgia State University wrote that, “Despite outstanding academic and professional accomplishments [many] persist in believing that they are really not bright and have fooled anyone who thinks otherwise.”

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EDITORIAL: Revive 21st Century Fund, boost entrepreneurship

One damper on Indiana’s entrepreneurial growth has been the shrinking of the 21st Century Research and Technology Fund, which has lost half its support because of state budget woes. As soon as state revenue permits, the state should bring this key program back to its funding level of $37 million a year, or boost it even higher.

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MAURER: Kindness is a measure of success

To create a disciplined investment philosophy, I evolved from my experience, “The Ten Essential Principles of Entrepreneurship that You Didn’t Learn in School.” Over the course of 10 columns, I will feature each of these essential principles. This is the fifth installment.

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EDITORIAL: University research funding is on right path

Indiana’s public universities aren’t garnering enough research funding, and the research they’re conducting isn’t churning out high-paying jobs in quantities everyone would like, but Hoosiers shouldn’t be wringing their hands in despair.

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Don’t blame UAW workers

It seems that all the pundits from Rush Limbaugh to the World Socialist Website have entered the fray concerning the fate of the Indianapolis stamping plant, while the real culprits escape scrutiny and feign innocence.

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Help our kids pursue degrees

Recent columns from Mickey Maurer (“Even CEOs need mentors,” Aug. 9) and Bruce Hetrick (“How to make the recession last forever,” Aug. 21) underscore important (and related) ideas, namely that everyone needs help and guidance to succeed, and that success in postsecondary education among our children is no longer an option.

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MERHOFF: Regionalism according to Yoda

How can we in central Indiana compete? We can build competitive regional clusters that provide what matters to businesses. An educated, affordable labor force. Dependable infrastructure. Quality-of-life amenities that appeal to today’s employees and tomorrow’s.

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MARCUS: The highs and lows of unemployment

Indiana’s unemployment rate in July was 10.1 percent—the 12th-highest of the 50 states. Nevada was running at 14.3 percent to lead the nation, while the lowest rate was 3.6 percent, in North Dakota. We’re much closer to the worst than we are to the best.

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BENNER: Conseco hosts what could be bloody good show

My introduction to the raw reality of boxing left me with admiration for the physical skills necessary to be a fighter and the sheer toughness it takes to get into the ring. However, at the same time, being young and naïve, I was shaken by the brutality of the enterprise.

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