
Keep government hands off of Internet

Tim Altom, in his July 19 column, replays the tired populist argument in favor of Net Neutrality, while furthering the myth that government regulation magically makes things “fair.”

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Fieldhouse could have life without Pacers

The IBJ and others keep repeating that, should the Pacers leave, the city would be stuck with paying $14 [million]-$18
million a year in fieldhouse operating costs. Are you all assuming the facility will sit vacant? Come on.

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GROSSMAN: Bill Gates wants to spend your money

Just as the government built an atomic bomb during World War II, the government should spend billions of dollars to create
the energy innovations for a low-carbon economy, according to Gates and friends.

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MARCUS: Is suburbia the root of all evil?

Once upon a time, school transportation eased the journey of farm kids going to school. Today,
it’s a massive subsidy for suburban kids whose parents have chosen to live far from a school in a place without sidewalks.

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