
HICKS: A modest proposal: The SUN tax of 2010

The problem is that the tanning tax fails every single criterion of effective tax policy. It is narrow, easily avoided, suffers
high administrative costs, and distorts consumer and producer behavior.

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Utility user fees to be diverted

A [wrong] is being perpetrated on the citizens
of Indianapolis by our city-county councilors, Mayor Greg Ballard and the board of Citizens Energy, by negotiating a “sale”
of the water company to Citizens.

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Arts groups support each other

We are writing to give our wholehearted endorsement to [columnist] Greg Morris’ appeal for generous support for the
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (“Confessions of a symphony newbie,” June 21).

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HENDERSON: On civility and donning the brain bucket

Some of the things I was warned as a young man that I should never get into arguments over
were—in no particular order—religion, politics, which hand in a card game wins, and whether there should be a
motorcycle-helmet law.

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