
LOU’S VIEWS: 100 thoughts on 100 Acres

Watch video icon for 100 Acres100 Acres, a new art and nature park, opened behind the Indianapolis
Museum of Art June 19. This major addition to the city’s
cultural and social landscape seemed worthy of at least 100 thoughts—and two videos.

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MAURER: Exercise your creative muscle

Creativity, like muscle tone, must be exercised if one is to increase it. We need to seize opportunities to think creatively. Challenging riddles like the one above interrupt the normal routine and rev up our brains.

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BENNER: World Cup leaves this viewer less than engrossed

I’m trying. I am really trying. That is why, a couple of Saturdays ago, when I could have been involved in some other leisure activity, I settled into my
easy chair and, instead, watched the U.S. team take on England in its World Cup soccer opener.

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HICKS: Roots of recession found in homes, stocks

When the Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research meets later this year or next, I believe
they’ll say the recession hit bottom in June or July of 2009. Recessions end when the economy bottoms out.

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Indiana municipal bonds are faring well

The “Investing” column of June 14, “Municipal bond defaults might be next crisis,” raises some valid
points, but portrays municipal bonds in such a manner that is too general.

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OWEN: Why I rethought riding my bicycle to work

One day last spring, I put on a helmet, climbed on my bike, and rode to work with a
co-worker. For a guy who had only recently gotten on a bike
after more than 15 years away from two-wheelers, it was monumental.

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