
John Wooden column was a favorite

John Wooden has been my idol and will
continue to be someone I strive to be for as long as I am breathing. I know that I am not the only one who feels this way.

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Pre-race ceremony didn’t measure up

Good [Bill Benner column on June 7] on the recap of the 500. One area that I disagree with you was your praise for the pre-race
ceremony. It was plain awful this year.

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Environmentalists contributed to spill

[In response to Bruce Hetrick’s June 14 column] Those that are calling for more government involvement in response
to the BP oil spill are not those who typically call for “less government.

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Health care column got it wrong

As a practicing physician, I was disappointed by [Morton Marcus’] support of the recently passed health care legislation
[in his May 31 column].

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