
BURNEY: Keep drive for high-ability education

In 2007, the Indiana General Assembly unanimously put into place the requirement for all Indiana schools to identify students
with advanced potential from all groups and provide them with appropriate curriculum and instruction needed to develop their

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MARCUS: Knowledge economy is not new

Few matters in life are clear and definitive. Sadly, we grow up learning that all can
or should be reduced (or elevated) to mathematical modeling. We have no courses or TV channels specializing in ambiguity,
no college major in uncertainty.

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KING: News in the age of instant feedback

Most IBJ editors and bloggers now can access readership stats for every bit of news content on our website. We know
how many times each story, blog and video has been viewed and for how long, for any month, week or day.

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DINING: Come fry with me at Fat Dan’s

The fries at Fat Dan’s Chicago-style Deli in Broad Ripple are, in short, delicious and enough of a draw on their own to merit a visit
(though we realize it’s unlikely you’ll stop with just fries).

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ALTOM: Is your computer being commandeered under your nose?

Around the world, tens of millions
of computers are infected with sly viruses that invisibly take over a machine, letting it continue working but redirecting
part of its time to doing nefarious things, like storing ill-gotten data or sending out spam ads for improbable enlargements
of body parts.

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Veolia never shifted retirement costs

Veolia Water Indianapolis takes issue with last week’s (May 10) story on the Department of Waterworks’ (DOW)
rate case, and notes with regret that the reporter neglected to contact us on what is an important public issue.

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