
MAURER: Pack your bags … it’s time for camp

Mickey's Camp presents a chance to learn new skills or polish old ones, including backgammon, canoeing, badminton, darts,
bass fishing, fly fishing, golf, self-defense, magic, jewelry making, knitting, arts and crafts, and CPR.

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HARTON: The IBJ’s 30-year story, retold

The tale shows how a germ of an
idea can turn into something special and how people in business can reach across generations—even when they think their
biggest contributions are behind them—to pull others along.

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ALTOM: Are you disaster-ready, dust-induced or not?

You know you should back up your data for redundancy. But you can’t back up an entire airline industry. That’s
a lesson we learned recently when a volcano with the cat-crossing-the-keyboard name of “Eyjafjallajökull”
exhaled tons of volcanic dust into the clear skies over Europe and brought aviation worldwide almost to a literal grinding

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Thanks for touting arts subscriptions

I think there’s a large portion
of Indianapolis that misses out on the importance of subscription packages and don’t quite understand exactly why they’re
needed to bring bigger and better shows.

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HAUKE: Oil prices were headed up even before massive spill

That oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a nasty event that truly deserves all of our attention.
I want to see the hole capped quickly so the environment doesn’t get beat up any more than it already has, but I have
a feeling the economic and political ramifications will be felt for years to come.

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EDITORIAL: Celebrate victory over apathy by voting

Isn’t it great to live in a country where citizens have a say in who serves in every public position from president
to school board? Wouldn’t it be even better if citizens actually took that privilege seriously and went to the polls?

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JA’s Miller acted appropriately

As the former CEO of Junior Achievement of Central Indiana, as well as the former president of the Experiential Learning and Entrepreneurship Foundation, Jeffrey M. Miller is concerned with the potential implications of the latest article regarding JA and ELEF titled “Fate of fund a JA mystery” published in the May 3 IBJ.

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EDITORIAL: Don’t abandon basic services because of tax caps

The property tax caps that are all but sure to become part of the Indiana constitution after a voter referendum
this November
are definitely good politics—and might prove to be good policy. We won’t know for sure until we see what becomes
of two property-tax funded entities that are starving as the caps fully phase in.

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