
MARCUS: Privatization not the only answer

Privatization is a popular political parlor
game. Instead of providing thoughtful reasoning for consideration by an informed electorate, officials try to meet public
needs through artfulness.

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STYLE: Should we knock the knock-offs?

In light of the copyright infringement lawsuits Coach has brought against two Indianapolis retailers, I find myself wondering
if my purchase would be an ethical one, especially as someone who appreciates apparel (and accessories) as an art form.

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Senator should be strong, not ‘moderate’

So Mickey Maurer is not enthralled with the Republican field for the U.S. Senate. His answer [in his April 5 column] is some
home-grown “big-leaguer” who is a “moderate.” In other words, another Sen. Lugar. Ho-hum indeed!

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MAURER: Local diva enlightens opera

Angela Brown has a voice that reaches extraordinary heights from roots that are set deep in Hoosier soil. She is a diva with a heart as big and as soft as her magnificent voice.

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EDITORIAL: Shed more light on Pacers’ plight

It would be a sad day in our civic history if the Indiana Pacers packed up and left for a place with
more financial firepower. But there’s a limit to how far the city should go to keep the team from leaving home.

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Hinkle would be proud of Butler

Butler showed the “big boys” what true Indiana basketball is about and that the kids
from the small cities and towns can keep up with the big schools.

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Column captured Hinkle’s magic

My dad took me to Butler Fieldhouse to see
Oscar [Robertson] play for Attucks—against Broad Ripple in the sectionals—and to see Tony’s Bulldogs.

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