
Editorial understated MIBOR commitment

Your editorial in the March 29 edition praising State Farm and city leaders for the commitment to the [2012 Super Bowl] housing
“legacy project” was very commendable. But we do have a correction to what you stated about our piece of the project.

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Need quality, quantity in higher ed

In his [March 29] column, “Set sights on education, not graduation,” Morton Marcus raises a vital point about
Indiana’s higher education reform efforts—but he overlooks a larger one.

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Small schools give bang for buck

Economist Morton Marcus [on March 29] took issue with the notion that college and university graduation rates can be improved
by tying compensation to increases (or decreases) in institutional graduation rates.

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Airport’s ideas are a joke

I was more than a bit taken aback by the lame revenue generation suggestions offered in the lead story of [the March 29]
IBJ (“Airport seeking revenue boost”).

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Brizzi story was misleading

As a longstanding member of the Indianapolis Bar and reader of IBJ, I was surprised and very disappointed to see
an article appearing in this week’s issue [about Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi] suggesting that a sentence
reduction provided to Guilford Forney was based not solely on the merits.

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MARCUS: Not all business owners are entrepreneurs

A serial entrepreneur often thrives on getting a business going, making it a success, then selling it off by
taking the firm public, or selling it to private investors or to another firm. The business owner, by contrast, often remains in the same
place, doing the same thing year after year.

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HARTON: Escape your ‘information cocoon’

The information age is almost always spoken of in glowing terms. Information is empowering,
so we’re told, even if it comes from a cave in the Middle East or a basement down the block or a corporate media machine
that needs something—anything—to fill the gaps between the advertising on a 24-hour news channel.

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