
Trade motorized walkway for walking

Every day there are articles in newspapers and magazines and news reports on TV about obesity and what a problem it has become
and what we need to do to overcome it.

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MARCUS: The recovery has taken root

rom Madison to Merrillville and Elkhart to Evansville, the talk among businesspeople is positive. Customers are showing
more interest, orders are picking up. The data may not be there to support the good cheer, but economic data are always delayed.

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HICKS: Tenure is protectionism in a tweed jacket

Academic tenure, with its promise of lifelong employment based upon five to seven years of work experience, is silly and
makes those of us who have pursued a career in teaching and research look disingenuous.

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FEIGENBAUM: Sen. Bayh’s call for civility reverberates at Statehouse

In the most significant retirement decision announced in Indiana since Reggie Miller hung up his sneakers, Democratic U.S.
Sen. Evan Bayh said Dec. 15 he would not seek a third U.S. Senate term. That decision also sent shock waves through
the ranks of Democratic lawmakers in Indianapolis, none of whom had any advance word.

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