
More mobility options mean opportunity

The Central Indiana Transit Task Force unveiled a comprehensive plan for mass transit. It’s a combination of expanded
bus service and light rail that addresses the challenges of urban residents seeking job opportunities across the metro areas.

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Tobacco programs will be protected

With respect to your editorial in the Feb. 1 issue supporting the Tobacco Prevention and Cessation agency, your intent is
pure and laudable, but I fear you miss the point.

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ALTOM: How the Amish make technology work for them

BusinessWeek ( has a recent story about a growing $1.8 million enterprise that’s doing
just fine without the Internet, Web site, texting, customer-resource-management software, a fax machine or a single computer.
In fact, the company doesn’t even have electricity.

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‘Avatar’ unimpressive

I enjoyed [Mickey Maurer’s Feb. 8 column] on “Avatar”! It was a refreshing counter to the media
(and social) phenomenon swirling around this (in my opinion) banal flick.

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Marcus column went too far

Kudos to Morton Marcus (with tongue in cheek) for pointing out [in his Jan. 25 column] that we should all pay for health care just as we all pay
for the fire department.

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FEIGENBAUM: Remainder of legislative session will be all about jobs

House Democrats now have their opportunity to tinker with legislation sent to them by the Senate, and they will look for
every opportunity to use these miscellaneous bills to preserve and create jobs. Similarly, Senate Republicans will analyze
each piece of legislation that crossed the Statehouse Rotunda from the House to determine whether it is a “job-killer.”

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