
WIEGAND: Who’s monitoring home construction?

About 18 months ago, I watched as the entire exterior of an expensive condo on the Central Canal—originally
built in 1996—was rebuilt. Among the issues: There was no building paper (Tyvek) under the siding, treated lumber wasn’t
used on the exposed porches, and neither was there any drainage.

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Anyone can feel the power of mentoring

Your headline [on the Jan. 25 Viewpoint] said it all: “Find a mentor to make you better.” January was
national mentoring month to raise awareness of the power of mentoring, which is often thought of as valuable for youth.

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Concert review was right on

Since I canâ??t summarize this exciting four-plus-hour [Hoosier Dylan] concert nearly as well as [the Jan. 18 Louâ??s Views column], I will merely agree with you verbatim on your precise review—including your disappointment with Indianaâ??s poet laureate.

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Are fans ready to forgive Polian?

By the time the next IBJ hits the newsstands we’ll know whether it’s the Colts or The Team the Colts
Enabled (the Jets) that will be playing in the Super Bowl.

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Why more taxes for education?

Re: Bruce Hetrick’s [Jan. 11 column] “Hey kids! Come and get your pound of flesh,” at first I was stunned.
Then I was speechless. After that I was just plain mad.

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Bring back IBJ stock charts

Your decision to discontinue the printing of stock prices and economic activity charts, as announced in your Jan. 17 issue,
was extremely disappointing to us as well as, surely, to other paid subscribers.

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MARCUS: Is health care reform socialism?

The time is coming when everyone will recognize that, as every structure in a city is entitled fire department services, so,
too, each individual should receive appropriate health care, whether or not he or she can pay for it.

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