
Here’s how to help future work force

I encourage businesspeople—well,
everyone, really—to volunteer in and visit our schools, if for no other reason than to expose kids to the professional
world and let the kids see that the professional world cares.

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Forget visiting the Berry Bowl

[In response to Bill Benner’s Oct. 5 column] You can cross off your list watching basketball at the Berry Bowl. A new school was built in Logansport in the early ’70s
and the old school, including the wonderful Berry Bowl, was torn down.

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Chicago Olympics? What a joke

I can appreciate, but heartily disagree, with the arguments [Bill Benner] advanced [in his Oct. 5 column] that Chicago
getting the 2012 Olympics would have benefited Indianapolis.

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Legislator promotes fair redistricting

Sometimes I agree with Morton Marcus’ opinions and sometimes I don’t, but I was incredulous when I read his
“Let’s help keep legislators in check” in the [Sept. 28] IBJ.

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ROOB: Math proficiency a must for work force

The recent slump in the domestic auto industry reminds us of the importance of innovation and creating something that will
be attractive to the consumer tomorrow. Companies that don’t foresee and adapt to the changing needs of their consumers
ultimately fail.

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MAURER: Teach your children to reject hate

God hates fags. That’s the declaration we heard Sept. 24 from the Westboro Baptist Church road show that appeared
at North Central High School and other Indianapolis venues throughout the day.

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Simon embodied customer loyalty

I sat in Beth-El Zedeck Temple for the funeral services of Melvin Simon. The various speakers spoke of Mel’s desire
to create a real estate empire and his desire to give back to the community.

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Are blue laws wrong or are we immoral?

When I was a kid growing up in Kentucky, no business was conducted on Sunday at all. On a rare occasion my dad would
load up the car and we would cross the river and shop in Indiana.

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