
EDITORIAL: Wear a mask and be part of the solution

Wearing a mask is not giving in to the pandemic. It is just the opposite. It is the way we push forward with our personal and professional lives without spreading a disease that—if left unchecked—will continue to wreak havoc on our economy.

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Sheila Suess Kennedy: Our hyper-partisan politics can be deadly

In today’s highly polarized America, an individual’s self-identification as Republican or Democrat has come to signify a wide range of attitudes and beliefs not necessarily limited to support for a political party. Affiliation with a political party has made Americans’ increasingly tribal social identities most predictive—and most consequential.

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Editorial: City should diversify partnerships

Opening opportunities for Black Americans and other groups means rethinking not just how we do things but why we do them the way we do. And then amending or even ripping those systems apart and rebuilding them.

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Letter: Listen to scientists

Much as I, personally, would love to get back to a “normal” situation, I am willing to delay gratification and proceed with much thought and discussion on activities we would love to resume.

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Letter: Cities abused by police unions

Language in collective bargaining agreements tying the hands of local officials to discipline or terminate poor performance should never have been allowed at all and is likely in conflict with state law.

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