
R. Matthew Neff: For whom does a corporation work?

Just like each of us, it is incumbent on businesses (corporations and other forms of business enterprise) to be good citizens. To my way of thinking, this means abiding by the law, behaving with integrity and creating a vision for employees that inspires them to work hard and make their company more valuable. It also means being fair and equitable to employees and others.

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Letter: Capitalism is underappreciated

Touche to columnist Nate Feltman for acknowledging the virtues of a legal and economic system that, sadly, too many are quick to take for granted and to dismiss without appreciating its achievements.

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Santiago Jaramillo: Finding Ikigai through engaging work

I recently learned about a Japanese concept called Ikigai, which means “reason for being.” Ikigai is the intersection of what you’re good at, what you love, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. I believe we’re succeeding if we’re living and working within the overlap of those four areas. That’s where we become our best selves and experience our profession through our purpose.

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Letter: Beholder owner shuns neighborhood

Mr. Brooks’ attitude and actions have not endeared him to the community. He has not reached out to other businesses, takes no interest in neighborhood issues or community associations.

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Tariq Al-Nasir: Time to focus on early childhood education in STEM

Through STEM, we have the opportunity to address a problem that disproportionately plagues underserved minority children. Let’s do the math: If the average salary of a STEM job in Indiana is $60,000, and the average salary in the state is $31,000, which job offers a quicker path to the middle class for a student born into poverty? I’ll take STEM for $60,000.

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Letter: Recovery centers not created equal

Many of these new providers are for-profit startups attracted primarily by the increased demand in recovery services. I am proud to serve an organization such as Fairbanks who has a trusted history of care, with 75 years of serving the recovery community here in Indiana.

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Letter: 5G installation by surprise

Imagine returning from work one day to find a 5G tower pole has been erected in the right-of-way at the front (not the corner) of your property. That is what happened to me in Fountain Square.

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Abbey Chambers: Inclusive growth in Indianapolis … will we mess it up?

I hear residents in places like the near-east side and near-northwest side express worry that money and power will take their neighborhoods away from them through the facade of urban revitalization “for the common good” that is actually composed of—whether intentionally or not—top-down structures and processes that exclude more than they include.

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