
Health care has priced itself out of its own market

It’s no secret the growth of the U.S. economy slowed in the 2000s after the go-go decade preceding it. But the U.S. health care system—hospitals, doctors, drug companies, device makers and health insurers—apparently didn’t get that memo.

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Obama’s telling the same kind of fib he did before

The Affordable Care Act was designed to restructure the individual insurance market into a true insurance risk pool. President Obama should stop pretending those changes won’t affect everyone in the individual market, whether they want it to or not.

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Finding where the money is in health care

More than half of the $2.5 trillion consumers spend annually on health care in the United States flows to hospitals and doctors, with drug companies and health insurers trailing well behind.

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Hospitals aren’t bad guys; they’re just business guys

Even in the face of alarmingly high hospital prices, no one should conclude that hospitals are the bad guys in the health care system. Hospital executives are doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing as the business leaders of their institutions.

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