
Lilly expands R&D outside Indy—again

State and city leaders spend millions each year to entice companies to move here and add jobs here. But for the second time in three months, Eli Lilly and Co. has shown that the biggest attraction to a company is talented workers.

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Lilly faces moment of truth this week

The Indianapolis-based drugmaker on Wednesday will release new data from patients taking its Alzheimer’s drug that could show whether the drug has slowed the progression of their disease. That will show investors whether the 45 percent rise in Lilly’s stock price over the past year is justified.

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Obamacare shovels another $122M to Indiana insurers

The money, known as reinsurance payments, helped MDwise, Anthem, Humana, Assurant and the Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana keep a lid on their losses even as lots of new patients with expensive or untreated medical conditions migrated into the private insurance market.

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Indiana’s medical research ‘trade deficit’

Indiana's life sciences companies are spending four times more on medical research than the state's hospitals, doctors and univerities are receiving from such companies for research projects. That means Indiana is missing out on more than $80 million a year.

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No way out for employers on health benefits

Last week’s Supreme Court ruling upholding the tax credits for Obamacare is just the latest in a string of developments that have kept employers from ditching their group health plans, as many predicted they would.

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Cigna: Anthem’s baggage makes marriage risky

Cigna said Anthem’s a risky bet due to fallout from its massive data breach, lawsuits that accuse it of conspiring to inflate prices, and lack of a growth strategy. But Wall Street thinks this deal is going to happen, unless Cigna can find another buyer.

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The top-paid doctors at Indy’s hospitals

It took $394,000 to rank in the top 1 percent of U.S. earners in 2013. And more than 100 of the Indiana contingent in that exclusive club were physicians employed by one of the four major hospital systems that operate in the Indianapolis area.

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