COVID-19 busts barriers in Indiana, with 3,649 cases in one day, 4,024 total deaths

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The Indiana State Department of Health on Thursday reported a new record of 3,649 new COVID-19 cases, the first time the daily count has been above 3,000 and the seventh day in a row that new cases have topped 2,000.

The department said the seven-day moving average for cases has reached an all-time high of 2,511.

Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 hit 1,722 on Wednesday, the highest number since April and the beginning of the pandemic.

The state reported 33 new deaths due to COVID-19, bringing Indiana’s total to 4,024. Newly reported deaths have been in double digits 22 times over the past 24 days.

The department reported the testing of 14,321 more unique individuals.

The state’s seven-day positivity rate for unique individuals jumped from 13.5% on Wednesday to 14% on Thursday.

Following are the latest COVID-19 numbers from the Indiana State Department of Health. The department updates its data daily based on information received through 11:59 p.m. the previous day.

COVID-19 cases

*New cases: 3,649

Total cumulative cases: 172,730

COVID-19 deaths

New deaths: 33

Total deaths: 4,024

COVID-19 testing

New tested individuals: 14,321

Total cumulative tested individuals: 1,671,093

Cumulative positivity rate unique individuals: 10.2%

Seven-day positivity rate unique individuals: 14%**

Cumulative positivity rate all tests: 5.9%

Seven-day positivity rate all tests: 7.3%**

** The health department reports the 7-day positivity rates with a six-day lag to allow time for more comprehensive results.

County numbers

Marion County cumulative cases: 26,807 (361 new)

Marion County new deaths: 2

Marion County cumulative deaths: 796

Marion County 7-day positivity rate unique individuals: 11.2%

Hamilton County cumulative cases: 6,697

Hendricks County cumulative cases: 3,472

Johnson County cumulative cases: 3,532

Madison County cumulative cases: 2,703

Boone County cumulative cases: 1,348

Hancock County cumulative cases: 1,302

Morgan County cumulative cases: 1,030

Shelby County cumulative cases: 957

Indiana intensive care unit usage

Available ICU beds: 26.8%

ICU beds in use by COVID-19 patients: 4.1%

Available ventilators: 78.1%

Ventilators in use for COVID-19: 5.6%

U.S. and worldwide numbers

As of Thursday, from Johns Hopkins University:

U.S. cases: 8,873,861

U.S. deaths: 227,897

Global cases: 44,644,423

Global deaths: 1,176,328

*New cases, deaths and tests are previously unreported cases, deaths and tests submitted to the Indiana State Health Department in the 24 hours through 11:59 p.m. the previous day. The cases and testing categories typically contain numerous duplicates—as many as 20% or more—that are later eliminated from the cumulative totals.

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32 thoughts on “COVID-19 busts barriers in Indiana, with 3,649 cases in one day, 4,024 total deaths

    1. Randy S. what are you talking about?!?!?!?! Everyone IS wearing masks!! I have not gone to any public place and not seen them on everyone in the stores, etc. Let’s face it, this is an airborne respiratory virus and the masks do not work…just as the CDC has always said for prevention of spread of such viruses…until in became political.

  1. What is unbelievable is blaming a businessman turned politician for a virus that is spread worldwide, masks or not, lockdown or not. The virus is going to spread until there is a vaccine – which said businessman has fast tracked and funded to provide the most doses as soon as feasible.

    The good news is the virus is survivable by 99.9% of the population under 80, slightly higher mortality rates for elderly people. I guess the left will shift to this good news AFTER the election. Unless they lose, and then look out for all sorts of temper tantrums.

    1. Fake news kills, Don. You know why we couldn’t have even a modicum of the success of New Zealand or Canada or any of the European countries when it came to controlling the virus? It’s because your “businessman” (note: best business move of his career was getting elected so the federal government would line his pockets) has attacked the science required to keep the virus in check.

      All he had to do was excuse a reasonably competent plan for fighting the virus and re-election was easily his. But that’s his move – blame for everyone else, credit for him only.

    2. Joe B. you don’t even know what you are talking about! “best business move of his career was getting elected so the federal government would line his pockets”??? Since when has the federal government lined Trumps pockets?!?! Sounds like Joe Biden to me…oh wait, no I’m wrong. Joe is much worse than that because his pockets are lined by communist China and our country will be in severe trouble when China comes calling on the IOUs and the blackmail for all of the sinister deals they know he has made with them. We know this now as fact.

    3. Don – whose properties does Trump and his entire entourage stay at when he travels and plays all those rounds of golf he said he’d never have time for? You and I pay for that and we’ve paid millions. And I’m sure it’s an amazing coincidence that foreign governments decide that of all the places to have their events, they choose Trump properties?

      Drain the swamp, indeed. Get better news sources.

    4. Joe B – Google the population and testing rates for the countries you mentioned. Compare those to the US population and testing rates. Google Covid cases and some of the European countries; they are experiencing spikes too.

      Name one US politician that has handled the COVID response correctly the whole time. Heck, even Fauci and other leading doctors did a poor job in the beginning. If you want to point the finger at Trump, you have to point it at every other US major politician too.

  2. When is the insanity going to stop. It appears that no one understands the dynamics of a pandemic in our State. Other countries such as Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, etc. have contained the pandemic. But NO, we know better. As with all pandemics, as the incidence of cases rise, the hospitalizations and deaths will follow. How many more Hoosiers need to suffer before more aggressive steps are taken. One wonders how much the election is influencing how our State is handling the pandemic. People, STAGE 5 ain’t working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Phillip – you are free to stay in the basement. Some people will continue going to work to put food on their tables and educate their children, so that, you know, there is an economy for you to come back to in 2022. See you then!

    2. hold on! didn’t New Zealand just set up “Quarantine Camps”? talk about insanity!!!!

    3. Could have used all the unoccupied hotels as quarantine centers and really killed two birds with one stone.

      There is no economic recovery until the virus is under control.

    4. Phillip T., You are the one that has no idea how to understand the “dynamics of a pandemic”! Check out all of these European countries who we were ALL told were the model to follow with their lockdowns! Once they lifted them, they spiked! What a surprise! This has happened everywhere….including New Zealand, et al, all the while their economies have been destroyed by the lockdowns! In contract, today we are at 7-8% unemployment and all-time record GDP growth of 33+%! The virus will not magically disappear if you hide for waits and then strikes when you re-emerge! We need to be reasonable, protect the vulnerable, and the rest of us move on while we improve upon the therapeutics and a vaccines at our record pace….thank you Mr. President!

    5. MG, There is no economic recovery until the virus is under control. And the only reason the economy is in the tank is that one political party would rather give tax cuts to their wealthy donors (or make sure they get a Supreme Court justice installed) than help regular Americans.

    6. Joe B. That is exactly the problem with the philosophy of people like you: “There is no economic recovery until the virus is under control”. That is stubborn insanity, but you are welcome to it. We are just not gong to join you there in your “dark winter” We have found ways to mitigate and protect those most vulnerable while moving on with our wonderful lives in our wonderful country. I am a “Regular American” that you refer to and I and those around me have enjoyed terrific results under Trump! We are not “wealthy donors” as you suggest. In fat, as they say, the accuser is usually doing exactly what he is accusing the other of…and in this case it is entirely true…the only one taking millions from big donors is Joe Biden and they will all come calling to cash in on their favors if he is re-elected…and that’s when the regular American” will suffer! But that’s exactly where the democrats want the little man, isn’t it? Diminished, desperate and under their thumb.

    7. MG, things are literally as bad as they’ve been and they’re only going to get worse. But, sure, go on and keep telling yourself that now’s the time to resume normal living and everything is fine. You remind me of Kevin Bacon in Animal House … “Remain Calm, all is well!”

  3. Kenny N., no. It is 24.1% of ICU beds in use for COVID. It’s a typo. Also, please remember that the hospitals offlined a bunch of ICU beds a couple months ago. So, we will have more capacity if the hospitals simply revert to where we were. (And, presumably, the hospitals have used these months to prepare for this expected wave. After all, this wave has been predicted for at least 6 months. No one should act surprised.)

    1. I figured it was a typo, but I was seriously worried the “4.1” was really “40.1” or “44.1” with today’s massive increase.

  4. This is the first time I have seen total deaths in Indiana posted with the Headlines. Usually its the daily number.

    Strange that this is posted like this 5 days before election day. Remember this the Total not a daily number. 99.9% survive covid.

    Shame on IBJ…….

    1. Check your math, Donald. US stats show 227,897 deaths in 8,873,861 cases, or 2.6%. Worldwide, it’s 1,176,328 deaths, which is…again 2.6% of cases. I know math is hard but 100% – 2.6% = 98.4% survival rate. Not 99.9%.


      More importantly, it’s now well up in the top 5 causes of death. Maybe 3rd behind cancer and heart disease by now.

    2. Nice try Chris B. but those are only captured cases through testing…I think you know very well your math is quite fuzzy. You need to use actual infection estimates based on general population positivity to get a true death rate related to total infections. We all know there are many, many cases unrecorded due to asymptomatics and other reasons.

      Moreover, here are the COVID survival rates straight from the CDC (using exactly the numbers you want to use):
      0-19 years 99.997%
      20-49 years: 99.98%
      50-69 years: 99.5%
      70+ years: 94.6%

      And THAT factors in all of the people with comorbidities such as diabetes and heart disease as well as those with risk factors such as obesity and advanced age! This sure screams to me that the logical course of action is to protect the vulnerable few and let the rest of us be!

    3. How many long-haulers, MG? How many people with complications that they might deal with the rest of their life? Any numbers on that? Also, are you including excess deaths in the numbers or not? You know, the number of people who’ve died this year over the usual numbers?

    1. Dear jennifer s., yes, please do check out the news from France and most the rest of Europe….WHO HAVE BEEN ON SEVERE LOCKDOWN AND KILLED THEIR ECONOMIES, all the while suicide attempts have increased 30% over this time period there. And then magically, oh surprise, when they lift the lockdowns, people become infected again!!! What did the they think would happen when the virus is still there and everyone is still susceptible?? What do you want to do, trash the world and keep everyone locked down forever, when 99.9% of the population is fine when contracting this virus?!?!? WE ARE ROUNDING THE CORNER, much to your dismay, apparently. We have developed terrific therapeutics at WARP speed, are on the cusp of several approved vaccines, death rates are down significantly despite increased CASES, and economically we are booming back with robust and record breaking 33.1% GDP growth last quarter and <8% unemployment that is getting better everyday where things are opened up! Enjoy your lonely Thanksgiving and your "dark winter"….the rest of us will LIVE our happy lives!!! 🙂

    2. MG, I figure we have another year of this unless the feds botch the rollout of the vaccine. It’ll be great we have vaccines … but you’re not going to have 600 million doses already to go next month. That’s not how it works. And there’s a bunch of people who’d dispute your claims of unemployment under 8%.

  5. Chris B – math must be hard for you – if your going to correct someone at least do it accurately

    100% – 2.6% = 97.4%. Not 98.4 – Check my math please

  6. I am well aware of the economic implications of the pandemic. I am a business owner for over 30 + years. I have lost over 50% of my business this year so far. However, I have learned how to still keep the business running and still keep our customers and staff safe. You can do both. However, this has been done in spite of lack of leadership at the State and Federal levels. Public Health has NEVER been a priority for our State. States that are doing better to contain the virus are doing better economically. You can do both. However, when you do not do more to aggressively contain the virus the long term costs will increase substantially. Our State is still sitting on a lot of its CARES ACT money. The State needs to be stricter to enforce the mask mandate, conduct more testing, enforce contact tracing, make PPE more available, etc. Businesses do not have to close. However, equal effort needs to be made on both fronts simultaneously. Indiana has let the pandemic take over and has let our health slide again.

  7. I posted this on a previous day. It bears repeating:

    I wish Indiana and all of its governmental agencies would REALLY do something that is effective to combat Covid-19. The physicians in our State, as well as, all of the Hospitals in our State have to demand better leadership at the State and County governmental levels. Please read the link to a recent article in BIOSPACE which references an editorial from the New England Journal of Medicine: . Also READ the editorial:

    Our State governmental leadership believes that health and the economy cannot be addressed effectively and simultaneously. It appears that the economy appears to be the more important goal in its eyes. It is not rocket science to appreciate that Stage 5 is failing, and we, the citizens of the State, are suffering the consequences. The State has the resources to address both the pandemic and the economy, but only seems to support the economy at the expense of our health.

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