Destiny Wells: Attorney general should be champion for what’s right

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Featured issue:

What do you see as the role of the attorney general?

As I’ve traveled across Indiana—from small towns to big cities—I’ve had the privilege to hear from Hoosiers of all backgrounds. While our state is diverse, one thing remains clear: People want leadership that puts them first. They want someone to stand up for their rights, protect their families, and fight for a fair future. That’s what the Attorney General’s Office should be about ensuring that justice is not only upheld but actively pursued for everyone. That’s why I’m running: to be the attorney general who fights for you.

The attorney general’s role is more than enforcing laws; it’s about being the people’s lawyer. Whether it’s protecting union jobs that keep Hoosier families afloat, the small-business owner facing challenges in a tough economy, or the Hoosier who feels left behind, this office should serve everyone. The attorney general must be a voice for those who feel unheard and ensure that the law works for everyone, not just the powerful.

Right now, the Attorney General’s Office has shifted away from public service and become too focused on politics. Hoosiers deserve better. They deserve an attorney general who values justice over partisanship, fairness over agendas, and people over politics. It’s time to bring integrity back to this office and prioritize the needs of the people.

When leaders play political games, it’s everyday Hoosiers who pay the price. When politicians try to strip away a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions, they’re infringing on the freedoms of families across the state. I believe that every woman should have the right to make decisions about her health, body and future—without interference. As attorney general, I will fight to protect those rights and ensure that every woman in Indiana has access to the health care she needs.

But that’s only part of the job. The attorney general must also protect our communities and hold powerful interests accountable. Whether it’s tackling the opioid crisis, ensuring our environment is safe or taking on corporations that exploit consumers, this office must be a champion for what’s right. Protecting Indiana families means standing up for fairness and ensuring that no one is above the law.

This job isn’t about making headlines or scoring political points. It’s about serving the public and ensuring that every Hoosier gets a fair shot. It’s about fighting for justice and making sure the law serves everyone—not just a select few.

I’m running to be your attorney general because I believe in public service and in working together to build an Indiana where everyone has the chance to succeed. An Indiana where justice isn’t reserved for the wealthy or powerful, but where every person—no matter who they are or where they live—can trust that their rights will be protected. Together, we can restore integrity to the Attorney General’s Office and build a future where justice truly works for all.•


Wells is the Democratic candidate for attorney general. Send comments to

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