
Rose-Hulman takes pride in top college ranking

For the 14th year in a row, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology has been ranked the nation's top undergraduate engineering college. The ranking is a source of pride for the students and a marketing tool for the university.

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Answers on $526M in tax mistakes expected in December

Auditors reviewing $526 million in tax errors made by Indiana's tax collection agency said Monday they will investigate whether state employees are knowledgeable enough to track tax collections and whether the state has adequate internal controls to guard against future errors.

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Indiana’s 2012 split could be Pence and Donnelly

As the countdown to the November election picks up steam, establishment Democrats and Republicans have been quietly talking about the possibility that Indiana swing voters could pick Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Joe Donnelly in November.

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Pence releases education plan light on detail

Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence said Friday he'll push forward with changes to Indiana's education system started under Gov. Mitch Daniels in a quietly rolled out education plan that supports expanding the state's school voucher program and improving performance of teachers and students.

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