
Boneham supports hybrid health exchange for state

The Libertarian candidate for governor said he initially favored a state-run exchange to administer the federal health care law, but chose a joint venture with the federal government after meeting with the governor's staff.

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$100M IU neuroscience center set to open

A $100 million neuroscience center Indiana University officials say will offer a "one stop shop" for patients recovering from head and spinal injuries, strokes and other medical conditions is days away from opening its doors in Indianapolis.

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Pence seeks affordable college; Gregg after more trade

The two leading candidates for governor offered starkly different plans for improving the state's economy Thursday. Democrat John Gregg wants the state to increase exports by 50 percent. Mike Pence pushed for programs to help students graduate from college within four years.

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Indiana governor hopefuls talk education, infrastructure

Despite their political differences, the three men running for Indiana governor outlined similar outlooks for running the state during a forum Tuesday, from proposing improved job training to imposing tax cuts. But which taxes should be cut and when highlighted their differences.

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Indiana public schools wage unusual ad campaign

Struggling Indiana public school districts are buying billboard space, airing radio ads and even sending principals door-to-door in an unusual marketing campaign aimed at persuading parents not to move their children to private schools as the nation's largest voucher program doubles in size.

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Fate of theme park remains on roller coaster ride

Efforts to reopen a closed Kentucky amusement park have taken a roller coaster ride for three summers, and now there's a new twist as the state seeks out more would-be operators even as a group of local business leaders floats a proposal to revive the attraction.

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