
State sentencing overhaul to take another year

Legislators stung last year by county prosecutors who opposed a sweeping plan to overhaul Indiana’s criminal sentencing scheme won’t push the issue this year. Sheriffs now are worried that an attempt to reduce crowding in state prisons could aggravate overpopulation in their jails.

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Judge upholds Indiana school voucher law

A Marion Superior Court judge affirmed Indiana’s school voucher law on Friday, rejecting opponents’ arguments that the largest such program in the nation unconstitutionally uses public money to support religion.

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Indiana county leaders worried over 911 funding

County officials across Indiana scrambling to find money to pay for 911 emergency services say they aren't confident of getting help from state legislators, who might be leery of boosting cellphone fees during an election year.

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Indiana fair concerts going to expanded coliseum

The Indiana State Fair Commission decided Thursday to permanently move its outdoor grandstand concerts indoors and authorized spending $3.8 million to help prepare their new home: The Pepsi Coliseum located nearby on the north side Indianapolis fairgrounds.

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