Southport police chief enters 7th District race
Republican Steve Davis says he’s making his longshot run to unseat Rep. Andre Carson because he wants to stop the “violent hate speech” that has gridlocked Washington.
Republican Steve Davis says he’s making his longshot run to unseat Rep. Andre Carson because he wants to stop the “violent hate speech” that has gridlocked Washington.
The agreement among the three Democrats vying to represent the southwestern Indiana district would avoid a primary showdown.
Terre Haute Sen. Tim Skinner and Oldenburg Sen. Jean Leising said they plan to submit bills when lawmakers return to Indianapolis in 2012 that would require the writing style be taught.
A recording of dispatch radio calls shows that emergency workers were expressing concern about severe weather just minutes before winds ripped through the Indiana State Fair and caused a fatal stage collapse.
Andrew Phipps, a former aide to Republican Rep. Mike Pence, is joining the field for the congressional seat that Pence is giving up to run for governor.
A central Indiana county faces a big bill to replace its fairground's grandstand after numerous safety problems were found during an inspection prompted by this summer's deadly state fair stage collapse.
An organic food company that is closing its eastern Indiana preparation center was offered up to $3.5 million in state tax credits to open its plant, but it owes more than $31,000 in property taxes and sewer bills.
The study found graduates who found jobs in manufacturing landed the highest pay, but more ended up in the lower-paying education and health care service industries.
Daniels' policies have frequently been emulated by other Republican governors including Wisconsin' Scott Walker and Ohio's John Kasich.
Two Indiana Republicans want welfare recipients to pass drug tests before they can receive benefits but similar measures have run up against Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure.
Central banks around the world worked Wednesday to give banks easier access to dollars, jolting stock markets and easing fears of a global credit crisis. The Dow Jones industrial average had its biggest daily gain since March 2009.
Less than a year after raising personal and corporate income taxes, Illinois officials are pushing a $250 million package of tax breaks for several prominent businesses threatening to leave for more tax-friendly states, including Indiana.
The Indiana governor's policies have frequently been emulated by other Republican governors, including Wisconsin's Scott Walker and Ohio's John Kasich.
The recession-dented RV industry pointed Tuesday to modest gains atop last year's turnaround performance as another sign that the sector is on a slow road to recovery.
Ball State University said Tuesday it will offer $500 scholarships to students on track to graduate within four years and take other steps that could save some students as much as $10,000 over the course of their college careers.
A New York dental chain that closed offices in 13 states, including eight in Indiana, without warning late last year lists no assets and liabilities of $3.6 million in a bankruptcy filing.
Federal officials announced Tuesday they are awarding more money to help states carry out President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. Seven states that are suing to overturn the landmark law are also on the list for funding.
Chief Administrative Officer and Corporate Secretary Gary Cohen, a key figure in a recent acquisition, will step down from his posts on Thursday and will help with the transition until his retirement in 2012.
A new coalition of Indiana retailers is planning a lobbying push aimed at convincing state lawmakers to force online businesses to collect the state's 7-percent sales taxes from customers.
An Indianapolis developer says it is still trying to arrange financing to build wind turbines on farmland owned by Purdue University and nearby privately owned property in West Lafayette.