
Now vacated Borders location on Meridian and Washington streets

Judge approves Borders auction, liquidators open bid

Borders Group, the nation's second-largest bookstore chain that once operated over 1,000 stores, appears headed for liquidation after a judge on Thursday approved its motion to auction itself off with an offer from a team of liquidators as its opening bid.

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UPDATE: Indiana ends budget year with $1.2B surplus

After a year of spending cuts to state agencies and school districts, during which state workers were asked to do more than ever, Indiana released its final budget numbers for the fiscal year that showed it sitting on a $1.2 billion surplus.

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Local governments will put budget data online

Officials at the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance and Indiana University's Indiana Business Research Center say they're launching a system to allow local governments to file their 2012 budgets online.

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Legislative safeguards can’t keep state from court

Indiana conservatives appeared to win major national victories with a trio of laws passed this year, but rebukes from a pair of federal judges and a lawsuit raised questions about how proposed laws are vetted for legal issues before they get to a vote.

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Solar panel maker says Indiana factory on track

A solar panel manufacturer says its plans remain on track to start production at an unfinished auto parts factory in central Indiana. Abound Solar, which projects it could eventually have up to 1,000 employees, said it may begin hiring some workers this year.

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