
Quarterly lobbying bill adds up to $2.5M for Lilly

Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. raised its spending 8 percent from the $2.3 million that it spent in the first quarter of last year. The drugmaker also spent 70 percent more than the $1.5 million recorded in the final quarter of 2010, according to lobbying reports filed with the House of Representatives.

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WellPoint spent $1.5M lobbying feds in first quarter

WellPoint Inc., the nation's largest health insurer based on membership, spent about $1.5 million lobbying the federal government in the first quarter, as the health care overhaul debuted a new restriction that concerned managed care companies.

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Daniels says investors overpaid on Indiana Toll Road

Gov. Mitch Daniels on Wednesday marked the 5-year anniversary of the $3.8 billion lease. He said the state is insulated from any financial problems under the deal it crafted even though an investor group is in danger of defaulting.

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Lafayette, Logansport groups want China trade

Greater Lafayette Commerce and the Logansport-Cass County Economic Development Foundation will work with Purdue University to develop strategic plans designed to expand trade and investment with China.

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Planned Parenthood defunding blocked

Planned Parenthood of Indiana expects to resume offering services to Medicaid patients following a judge's ruling that the state is not allowed to cut off the organization's public funding for general health services solely because it also provides abortions.

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Recount panel to decide White case Tuesday

The Indiana Recount Commission will decide Tuesday whether Republican Secretary of State Charlie White is eligible to hold office amid allegations that he incorrectly used his ex-wife's address for his voter registration.

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