
Auto industry bailout pulls Kokomo back from brink

Kokomo's fortunes have been entwined with the auto industry since 1894, when Elwood Haynes invented one of the first automobiles in the United States there. Since the 1930s, when then-Delco (later Delphi) located there, followed by General Motors and Chrysler, the auto industry has been the town's bread and butter.

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Feds’ $50M loan to automaker could create 900 jobs

The Department of Energy will announce on Monday it is giving a $50M loan to Vehicle Production Group, which makes wheelchair accessible vehicles in Mishawaka. Officials say they expect the loan to create more than 900 jobs in an economically ravaged part of Indiana.

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Lugar opposes GOP Senate moratorium on earmarks

Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar says he opposes a GOP moratorium on earmarks in the Senate because it gives the false impression that Congress is attempting to meet the public demand to reduce spending.

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Indiana environmental activists to push bipartisan agenda

Jesse Kharbanda, executive director of the Hoosier Environmental Council, said the new Legislature will make it more challenging to sell environmental initiatives mainly because there are more than two dozen freshmen lawmakers he and others will have to court.

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GOP control brings new life to education issues

Election night victories for Indiana Republicans have paved the way for a major education overhaul that could affect thousands of students, teachers and parents and fundamentally change the way schools work in Indiana.

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