
Final negotiations on Indiana budget start next week

A $28 billion budget proposal that cleared the Indiana Senate on Thursday includes a way to fine boycotting lawmakers — a provision Democrats oppose — and doesn't include an automatic taxpayer refund that the Republican governor wants.

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GOP forges ahead with Indiana redistricting

Republicans who now fully control the Legislature and the redistricting process say they've followed their commitment to draw new districts that are compact and avoid splitting up cities and counties.

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One-third in Indianapolis use cellphones only

Estimates released Wednesday by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that 33.5 percent of adults in Indianapolis, which encompasses Marion County, use cellphones and lack traditional wired telephones.

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Bill on teacher union rights heads to governor

A bill to restrict Indiana teachers' collective bargaining rights has cleared its final legislative hurdle, becoming the first part of Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels' sweeping education agenda to make it to the governor's desk.

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