
Indiana welfare chief says hybrid system succeeding

The secretary of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration said error rates are down and the percentage of new applications for food stamps, Medicaid and other benefits on backlog has fallen by 83 percent in two two regions.

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WellPoint gets $87M Medicare contract renewal

The company said the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services renewed its durable medical equipment administrative contract for a region that covers Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin.

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Purdue president to discuss research with VP Biden

France Cordova is one of six university presidents who will take part in Tuesday's gathering to fill Vice President Joe Biden in on research that's being funded by the National Science Foundation and other federal agencies.

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IU research aims to improve chocolate, help farmers

A team from IU's Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics is part of a consortium that has completed the genomic structure of the Forasteo cacao tree, which is used to produce 80 percent to 90 percent of the world's chocolate.

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IU surgeon gets $2 million for heart pump

IU School of Medicine associate professor Mark Rodefeld will use funding to further develop the pump, intended to combat a congenital heart defect that kills many children in their first year of life.

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Republicans: Force state to live within means

House Minority Leader Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, said the state’s next two-year budget doesn’t have to be “honestly balanced,” meaning the state could spend more than it takes in by dipping into reserves if the economy continues to sag.

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