
Foster parents would get less cash under state cuts

Indiana is trying to shift hundreds of foster children with medical, emotional or behavioral problems into cheaper care for
children without special needs, a move that cuts payments to families who care for the state's most challenged children.

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Heralded BioTown project a shadow of its goal

The tiny town of Reynolds had big plans when Gov. Mitch Daniels touted it in 2005 as the location of BioTown USA, the state's
first project to make a community produce enough energy to become self-sufficient.

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Group praises Indianapolis’ Census form return rate

The Indianapolis Complete Count Committee says 19 percent of forms distributed in the city have been returned since they went
out last week. Only Baltimore, with 20 percent, had a higher rate of return among the top 25 U.S. cities.

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Indiana freezes some medical savings account rolls

The new federal health care bill will put 500,000 more Indiana residents on Medicaid and lead to higher state taxes, Gov.
Mitch Daniels said Monday, but a government insurance proponent said it will help families and businesses.

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Congress passes historic health care bill

To pay for the changes, the legislation includes more than $400 billion in higher taxes over a decade, roughly half of it
from a new Medicare payroll tax on individuals with incomes over $200,000 and couples over $250,000.

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