
Feds: Woman indicted in Indianapolis was high-class grifter

Authorities say socialite Dina Wein Reis’ success was the result of an elaborate scam in which she tricked large corporations—including
Indianapolis-based Roche Diagnostics Corp.—into selling her millions of dollars worth of goods at a fraction of the
regular price for use in nonexistent promotions. She then resold the products at a hefty profit.

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National jobless rate hits 26-year high

The unemployment rate jumped almost a half-point, to 9.7 percent, in August, the highest since 1983, reflecting a poor job
market that will make it hard for the economy to begin a sustained recovery.

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Worker productivity soars, labor costs plummet

Worker productivity, the single biggest factor determining living standards, grew at the fastest pace in nearly six years
in the spring while labor costs fell by the most in nine years, as companies slashed costs to survive the recession.

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