
WellPoint CEO blames health costs for hikes

Amid attacks from Democrats over high executive salaries, Angela Braly testified in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday that big
insurance-premium increases are
the result of growing price tags for hospital care and pharmaceuticals.

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Schools decry funding disparity in lawsuit

Hamilton Southeastern will see its per-pupil spending of $5,000 drop about $100 in 2010 despite a projected 900-student increase,
the lawsuit says. Indianapolis Public Schools, which has lost more than 1,000 students a year for the last five years, will
receive $7,500 per student in 2010.

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Schools decry funding disparity in lawsuit

Hamilton Southeastern will see its per-pupil spending of $5,000 drop about $100 in 2010 despite a projected 900-student increase, the lawsuit says. Indianapolis Public Schools, which has lost more than 1,000 students a year for the last five years, will receive $7,500 per student in 2010.

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Bid to move casinos inland pulled from House floor

Rep. Bill Crawford unexpectedly pulled the measure after the House defeated his amendment to allow inland casinos while approving
another one to shift some of the tax burden from two central Indiana horse racing tracks with slot machines.

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