Traffic down at new Indianapolis airport terminal
The new terminal at Indianapolis International Airport has seen a 10-percent decline in passengers during its first year.
The new terminal at Indianapolis International Airport has seen a 10-percent decline in passengers during its first year.
The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration announced Tuesday that $34 million in new budget cuts includes a 5-percent
cut in Medicaid reimbursements to hospitals.
A salvage company is leasing the Bush Stadium field from the city parks department to store vehicles it collected in the federal
Cash for Clunkers program.
Major stock indexes rose as much as 2 percent, including the Dow Jones industrial average, which jumped 203 points.
Indiana is offering state government employees voluntary unpaid leave, but it’s unclear how many workers might give up part
of their paycheck.
Indiana taxpayers filed a record 2.2 million electronic federal tax returns this year.
A government health insurance plan included in the House health care reform bill is unacceptable to a few Democratic moderates who hold the balance of power in the Senate.
Federal legislation will provide up to 20 weeks of additional unemployment benefits in Indiana. The extension means eligible residents will be able to claim up to 99 weeks in benefits.
In a victory for President Barack Obama, the Democratic-controlled House narrowly passed landmark health care legislation
Saturday night to expand coverage to tens of millions who lack it and place tough new restrictions on the insurance industry. The 220-215 vote cleared the way for the Senate to begin a long-delayed debate
on the issue that has come to overshadow all others in Congress.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments this week on whether an Ohio River casino should have allowed a compulsive gambler
to play and lose $125,000 in a single night.
Indiana voters seem willing to pay more in property taxes to help school districts cover operating costs. The results of last
week’s referendums, however, continue the trend against supporting plans for bigger, better schools during tough economic
Nearly 16 million people can’t find jobs even though one of the the worst recessions in generations has apparently ended.
President Barack Obama is set to sign a $24-billion economic stimulus bill providing tax incentives to prospective homebuyers
and extending unemployment benefits to the longtime jobless who have been left behind as the economy veers toward recovery.
Indiana’s school chief warned school superintendents Thursday that declining state revenues could force cuts in public education
spending, education officials said.
Jeff Belskus, CEO of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, called the sponsorship deal “one of the most significant announcements
in the history
of the IndyCar series.”
Consumers, enticed by cooler weather, early holiday discounts and an improving economy, spent a little more in October.
Republic Airways reported a much smaller third-quarter profit as Midwest Airlines, purchased on July 31, lost money right
The government’s latest count of stimulus jobs significantly overstates the effects of the $787 billion program, raising fresh
questions about the process the Obama administration is using to tout the success of its economic recovery plan.
Indiana schools chief Tony Bennett on Tuesday dismissed criticism of his plan to revamp the state’s teacher licensing standards,
saying some in higher education oppose it because they fear how they eventually could be affected.
Ohio voters hit hard by the economic downturn have approved casinos on the fifth try by gambling supporters in the past two