
Holiday World sets turnstile record

Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari amusement park in southern Indiana has set an attendance record, drawing more than 1 million visitors for the fourth year in a row.

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Schrenker plans book about plane crash

An indicted Indiana money manager plans a book about an attempt to flee mounting personal problems that ended with him parachuting
from a plane that later crashed into a Florida swamp.

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Insurers escalate criticism of health overhaul

The insurance industry sharply escalated its criticism of the Senate health care bill Sunday, charging that the legislation
would shift costs to privately insured people, raising the price of a typical policy by hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars

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IU professor wins Nobel economics prize

IU professor Elinor Ostrom won the Nobel economics prize on Monday for her analyses of economic governance, becoming the first woman to win the prize since it was founded in 1968.

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Underage alcohol program nabs 370 retailers

An Indiana State Excise Police initiative that uses underage customers to catch retailers selling alcohol to people under
age 21 netted more than 370 violations across Indiana in only three months.

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