
Lawmakers hear arguments on school start dates

Having a uniform starting date for schools in late August or early September would save schools money and give families
and kids more prime vacation time, several parents told an interim legislative committee Wednesday.

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Proposed Medicaid change splits state nursing homes

The Indiana Division of Aging wants to change Medicaid rates to nursing homes to reward quality care and penalize the lack
of it, leaving the industry divided over whether to support the groundbreaking rule or to seek revisions and a slower phase-in.

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Panel discusses possible changes in redistricting

An interim legislative committee is likely to recommend that new guidelines be established for Indiana lawmakers to follow
when they redraw legislative and congressional maps in 2011, a state senator said Tuesday.

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Legislative panel to discuss redistricting

An interim legislative committee plans to take up the issue of redistricting Tuesday at the Statehouse. Secretary of State
Todd Rokita recently pitched a plan that would make it illegal to consider political data when redrawing congressional and
legislative district maps.

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