Local architect to run for secretary of state
A founding partner of an Indianapolis architectural firm this month plans to formally announce his Democratic bid for Indiana
secretary of state.
A founding partner of an Indianapolis architectural firm this month plans to formally announce his Democratic bid for Indiana
secretary of state.
Having a uniform starting date for schools in late August or early September would save schools money and give families
and kids more prime vacation time, several parents told an interim legislative committee Wednesday.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told a conference of industrial energy customers that the pursuit of green jobs and alternative fuels could increase energy costs without improving the environment.<
The Indiana Division of Aging wants to change Medicaid rates to nursing homes to reward quality care and penalize the lack
of it, leaving the industry divided over whether to support the groundbreaking rule or to seek revisions and a slower phase-in.
Frontier Airlines is set to exit bankruptcy protection on Thursday as part of Republic Airways, which seems determined
to run an efficient airline even if it ruffles some feathers in the process.
An official with a flight attendants’ group says Midwest Airlines will be laying off 120 pilots and flight attendants by Dec.
1, along with about 50 other employees.
Workers at a Subaru plant in central Indiana cheered as its 3 millionth vehicle reached the end of the production line.
The recession faded in the spring with economic activity shrinking at a pace of just 0.7 percent, a better-than-expected showing
that buttressed beliefs the economy is now growing.
An interim legislative committee is likely to recommend that new guidelines be established for Indiana lawmakers to follow
when they redraw legislative and congressional maps in 2011, a state senator said Tuesday.
Connecticut officials say Eli Lilly and Co. has agreed to a $25 million settlement with the state over claims the drug maker
marketed its anti-psychotic drug, Zyprexa, for unapproved uses and harmed patients.
A federal food stamp administrator has told Indiana’s human services chief that his staff must be consulted before the
state rolls out its troubled welfare-automation program to additional regions.
A committee will research a proposal from Bloomington’s mayor to ban new chain or “formula” businesses from parts of the city’s
Purdue University says it will use a $10 million donation from a 1959 graduate to help build a new facility for its Department
of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences.
Frontier Airlines Holdings Inc. said on Monday it will close its reservations center in Las Cruces, N.M., where 118 people
State lawmakers are preparing to tackle the question of when the school year should begin in Indiana. The Interim Study Commission
on Education will take up the issue at its Wednesday meeting.
A central Indiana county is trying to attract an unidentified renewable energy company to take over a sprawling factory that
a Chrysler supplier stopped building last year.
Another central Indiana city is receiving a multimillion federal grant to buy houses damaged by the widespread flooding that
hit the state last year.
Arson has been ruled as the cause of the fire that destroyed the Little Nashville Opry concert hall in southern Indiana’s
Brown County earlier this month.
An interim legislative committee plans to take up the issue of redistricting Tuesday at the Statehouse. Secretary of State
Todd Rokita recently pitched a plan that would make it illegal to consider political data when redrawing congressional and
legislative district maps.
A state panel has approved a new rule requiring workers who apply pesticides at Indiana’s golf courses to be certified
and licensed.